✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

医療班(Medical team): I went through the interview – 面接を終えて


I went through the interview last Wednesday and the following things happened:

I saw something like a yellow office building and was shown around like an intern on the first day of work. I couldn’t see my own face, but somehow remember that I was a young girl with long dark hair in a ponytail.

They showed me papers, including an email I was about to receive the next day.

Now ever since last Wednesday I wake up every night at around 3am in the morning and cannot sleep properly.

Also, a few days later I was hospitalized with horrendous headaches and nausea. Now I’m sick with flu-like symptoms.

So I’d like to ask a few questions if I may.

1. How can I start sleeping normally again?

A. The interview must be a shocking event to you.

All right, please try to hold your handkerchief or pendant like the interview but the color should be “blue” when you go to sleep. Then, please see how that works (or not).

2. What do I have to do now with my newfound existence on the other side? Is there anything I need to practice/prepare?

A. Nothing. You don’t have to do any preparation or practice (?) either. All you need to do is come here for fun on a daily basis.

Anyways, you try to enter/stay your room, meet your teacher and exchange greeting with him/her. Then please ask him/her the questions you would like to find out about. You will soon be able to hear the answers.

3. Are my health issues actually connected to this?

A. No, it was a part of your nervous issue though, the most considerable reason was because you could not sleep.

Although I just said that above, it could also be considered an effect if the issue was related to your mental body being stimulated (at the interview)… well, we’ll check out your chakras on the next handkerchief day or so. Please take care of yourself.

Thank you very much for your questions.









1. 今までのように(キチンと)眠れるようになるには、どうしたらよいでしょうか?

A. 面接がよほど衝撃的だったのですね。


2. 今回あちら(シャンバラ)で確認した自分の「存在」に対して、(リアルの)私は何をすべきでしょうか?何か練習や準備、など、必要なことはありますか?

A. 何もありません。準備も練習(?)もいりません。ただ、日々楽しく通っていただければいいのです。


3. (頭痛や吐き気などの)私の体調に関する問題は、今回の面接に関わっていますでしょうか?

A. いいえ、神経の問題ですがねられなかったのが一番の原因です。






  1. ベス より:

    Dear BareNecessities,

    Thank you very much for your comments.
    This is John, a staff member of the blog project in Shamballa.

    Here is the answers for your questions:

    A-1.  Please hold a blue pendant or handkerchief.

    A-2. It has been only a few months since you started accessing Shamballa which means you are like a new born baby (who usually can’t see/hear things, right?). There are people who can’t see things there or hear things on the other hand. It gradually starts happening if you try to access there on a daily basis. However it does not improve your hearing skills any quicker, so I will let you know a method for you to be able to develop the skill. That is “to start making (initiate) a conversation.” If you speak whatever you want, you will be able to start hearing things as well. Babies are the great examples, aren’t they? You try to speak what you would like to say at first, then listen. This is the flow along with the natural human development. It is totally OK to be one-sided action, so please try.

    English translation: by Shire

  2. BareNecessities より:

    Thank you very much for your kind response!
    (Sorry, it took me a while to find my Blog entry here… ???? )

    I see I see! Should the necklace be blue? Or should the walls of the building be blue?

    Ever since the interview, I still notice that I’m dreaming vividly, however I never seem to be able to grasp what is happening or remember exactly what I saw. Also, all my dreams are mute… So I don’t really know what people are telling me.

    Do you maybe have any advice on how I can “open my ears”?

    • F より:

      Oh,it’ll be better to ask your question to “Questions&inquires”I think.
      I’m glad to meet your question from oversea!!

    • Shire より:

      Hi, this is Shire who did translate your questions into Japanese (& English for the answers)!

      Your questions here on the comment field will be answered by a staff (in Shamballa) shortly, so please wait for a moment.

      Thanks again for your questions;)
