✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 9.25.16



Good morning! This is Arom. Here is the plan announcement for this week (The week of Sep. 25, 2016).

First of all, we have received a question regarding the mini-test which we have not indicated the deadline (October 8th, 2016).  That was totally our error.

We hope you to get used to see such questions which we are expecting you to submit somewhat fuzzier answers.

In Japan, you should submit exact answers (like 1 + 1 = 2); however a test in Shamballa tends to aim students at researching instead of answering. We rather focus on the process than the answer itself. This is pretty much the same in Andromeda, so I was really surprised when I saw the Japanese system. Even the system applies to an English test, doesn’t it? Isn’t it strange since the expression has so many ways? I used to think like that when Beth was a student in Japan.

You can never find absolutely right answer in a society. Even in a science field, it is important to find out a gap between the fuzzy (kinda correct) answers.

So, you have noticed an English Q&A post last week, haven’t you? In fact, that was done by SH leader (She is not a hired-gun either)! We can normally recite answers only while Beth is typing them. However,  Beth can’t deal with English and the translation sites can be pretty scary (laugh). We were therefore practicing the translation – uploading post. We are terribly sorry for you guys who really got excited about the post…..

Buuuuut!!!! Yes!! We have got the English question!! It really begins today!

We also accept questions in English in Ameba blog as well. MI leader will do the translation work there (applause!!!). So, we are totally ready for you guys, English speaking friends 🙂

We reported access numbers from overseas last week. In this time….


(fyi – for Ameba blog users) Session #s means access #s in Ameba blog.

As you see the bar graphs, it is September 6th where the graph looks suddenly jumping up. After then, it gradually goes down and goes back up again. Some peak points are the holidays (in Japan). Especially those of you who stayed home during the rain storm seemed to check out the blog more frequently.

The number of users have raised slightly more than the numbers in Ameba blog when it was running very smooth. More importantly, you should take a look at the number of page views!! (big laugh)

Actually, this is the same situation with Ameba blog. Here is the numbers there:

access# 1,506        visitors# 545

That totally tells how much you enjoy & take care of both blogs.

We, Shamballa staff members sincerely thank to all you readers!! We pray for you…. (giggle, giggle)

Anyways, we will have our medical team as panelist of the week.

You can ask medical related issues in emergencies and/or your own physical & mental issues, etc.

Then, the next 2 weeks (10/3~10/16) will be an “Advisor festival” (many of you readers have been looking for!) which you can ask questions (up to 3) to your personal advisor in Shamballa.

Please put the black star mark (★) in front of the title of your question (Ameba blog only).

[This English version has been translated and broadcasted by Shire :)]

All right, folks! Let’s get going!!

