✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 05.28.17


Good morning. This is Arom.

When you are busy, you still enjoy within the business.  — This is the word from my mentor, General Haslihya. However, it was too busy to have such a time last week. Now, here comes the time for change!

First of all, Earth will be out of the wide-angle dimensional space in the week which we will enter the new dimension. What do you expect to happen? Well, all liars will be exposed one after another. We’ll collect Shikigami (animating objects to act as the sorcerer’s agent) which Beth has created in the week. A fun, honest man takes advantage in this stage. You guys, let’s be honest to yourself and others. That’s the tough one, lol!

So, I will announce the theme for this week, Beauty. We look forward to your questions such as “characters” “postures” which are the elements of beauty we consider important in Astral world. It may be difficult to compose (a question), but please do your best since this will be a great opportunity to show your questioning ability.

Next, here is a new blog entry posted last night:

学生: June Bride partyのお知らせ by Little-Cooking (Japanese only)
(Students: Announcement for June Bride Party by Little-Cooking)

JJ will do a make-up for you ladies (and gents?) to the first 20 people (first come, first served basis). She will give each of you a comment for the make-up on the stage at the party. The highlight of the show may be how far Beth can keep up with JJ since she is totally ignorant about the world of cosmetics, lol.

Here is a favor to ask you our friends who live overseas (outside of Japan). We have been promoting the blog & come*come Course on Twitter in different languages besides English. Those multi-language translating function is good enough to make sense what we would like to say. We would like to have your questions in your mother tongue. Of course you can submit them in English, but we assume you can put more emotion into them in your own language. We can bring better answer for them as well. The contents may be twisted/distorted because of the translation, but hopefully you will enjoy the Q & A session even more. You can submit your questions by clicking “質問★Questions&Inquiries” and fill out the form. We are looking forward to your questions!

Please stay with us for this week as well.


