✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 06.04.17


Good morning, this is Arom. First of all, I will begin with a delusional story, hee-hee.

The Earth is finally becoming the normal state after getting out of the wide-angle dimensional space last week. However, she is currently struggling in a dilemma which the arrangements settled during the time (= the wide-angle dimensional space) have become a fetter such as “that president” and “that country” seceding from Paris Agreement.

I imagine Japan will be the same which will tie itself down by any decisions/agreements issued during the time.  So, I will let you know how to pull yourself out of it.

Yes, you should be honest to yourself as we have been saying in this blog. You should not do anything you would not like people to do to yourself. Do not lie to yourself. In other words, this is the time all liars are no longer able to hide their lies and the evil deeds & illegal channels clearly appear on the surface level no matter how hard they try to gloss over. Ye~~~~~~s ♪ What a wonderful time! When you see someone whose evil deed becomes revealed many times, you can just look at him/her as ruined one with coooool eyes without sympathy. That is the result of what the person has been doing.

Anyways, as for the theme for this week, we would like you to work with the subject “Nature & Gaia” which includes the issue “that country’s” withdrawal of “the agreement.” Beth normally feels she is not good at the subject so that we would like to do this for training her as well (laugh). Let’s study with us!

Next, there will be the song project “Amazing Grace” on June 10th. As you see on the right column (in Japanese), it will be on the 10th at the regular time, 10:00 & 22:00 (You can remember the time as 10am & 10pm) and let’s operate dimension by singing all together♪  In this time, please sing with your dearly honest feeling.

At last, I will announce the new seminar (8 session-series), “Enjoy Life Basic” which is a Slack edition of what Beth has been doing for 10 years as “Enjoy Life First Seminar.” The first session (ELB-1: Supernatural power, part 1) will be held on June 11th (Sun) 22:00~ (JST). You can check out the detail in this blog entry (in Japanese only, but please contact us if you are interested in participating the live session on the 11th. We will post the entire seminar in English later as well.).

Please attend the seminar for your future.

There is only one purpose which is to build the society where as many people as possible can pursue their life-missions (big talk! (=゚ω゚)ノ).

Please stay with us for this week as well.

