✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 10.30.16


Good morning! Long time no see…. yes, this is B leader (laugh).

How have you been all you students (lol)?? I have been in United Galaxies for a long time so that I am so exhausted now. I will drop off after this to a dead sleep.

“The Generals series” will end today. It should be great for all of you to submit questions since their ideas and manners to deal with many different situations are totally worth learning. Even we, scientists often invite them for parties to speak with so that we can get some great advises from them. They are really nice and friendly guys. What they call themselves as “weirdos (freaks)” is just a way of their humbleness. What? A gossip about Beth? I have heard some of them but, well… it must be kidding, right? (lol)

All right, the panelists of this week will be our medical team. You can ask them about emergency care as well as more individual/personal questions. They all will be “delusional” answers though (lol, lol).

Then, next week will be our scientists team, and we will have priests as the panelists a week after that.

We have decided to stop the mini-test temporarily and focus on the song project instead.

How did you do with the last mini-test? We set the examination in order for you to understand in fact how tricky it was. We were therefore requesting Mr. Arom to comment on the test. We are not sure when it will happen since he is very busy in these days, but please wait it with patience.

Here comes the announcement for (annual) song project.

It will be on December 24th, 2016… yes, it’s Christmas Eve. As you already know, the time will be the following:

10:00  18:00  22:00
(JPT – Japan Standard Time)

You have three (3) times/chances to sing “Amazing Grace” and one of our favorites “We are the World.”

We will do a practice run on December 17th, 2016. You suppose to sing the exactly same manner as the 24th.

Of course, let’s add the thankful phrase to Earth in the end.

Thank you very much for loving us.
We are so thankful to be born on Earth.
Let’s stay together.

Even those of you confined to bed can make to this project. So, please don’t hesitate to join us!

Then next,

Session #
User #
Pageview #
Page(s) per Session
Average session time
Direct return rate
New session rate

This seems that the numbers have been settling down a bit. I would like to mention specially that the number of male participants have been increasing (currently 11.5%) since this new platform launched in September, 2016 (2%). I am really happy about it! If they are scientists, I will be even happier (They should be pretty unique!).

The Shamballa School should have peaceful days except Beth being busy (as always). Please focus on your subject(s) and have fun studying.

Oh, I just got an announcement from the Cafeteria at Shamballa School that Pita breads and Bagels are now available there for you to check out….. whatahell?! (lol x 10)

That’s all for now.
Please stay with us in this week as well.

