✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 04.16.17 – new theme added!


Hello, this is Arom. Is there anyone who is really timid about the launching missiles (by North Korea)?

As I said on Twitter, that place on the illuminati card is actually Shanghai〜〜♪ (Not Yokohama). That building is clearly on the photos for tourists in Shanghai. Everyone, calm down and check it out really CAREFULLY. The building in Shanghai looks way more similar (than the one in Yokohama). Moreover, the map is also the one with a hole on Shanghai. The mark of a nuclear power plant suggests the one in the suburb of Shanghai as well. 

Then, is it really going to happen….. (faraway look)? well, whatever.

Anyways, I will announce the theme for this week at first. Wow! it is “Love/Romance” by popular demand, LOL!! Please don’t be hard on Beth since she is grieving “I can’t do it—–!!!!” I will stop this topic now since I don’t want her to refuse typing anymore, lol, lol.

How was the potluck party on last Friday? Staff members in Shamballa said that they had too much (matcha) tea which made them a heavy stomach on the next day…. lol! They drunk too much tea, stupid, lol!! By the way, thank you very much for the flower bouquets! They all prepared the special vase (for the bouquet), one made them a pressed flower, the other one made an interior object by using a special preservative, and some other guy made a potpourri. Well, they are unexpectedly diligent, lol.

Thank you all very much (from Staff members)!!

All right, let’s check out whether or not the Illuminati prediction ever be fulfilled (I’m joking).

Please stay with us for this week as well.


[Additional Theme]

We will add another theme for this week:”Question from beginners” since the question from readers has been decreased recently.

It is fine to bring the questions previously answered again since the answer tends to be slightly different per panelists. This is also a great chance to ask the really basic questions which you may normally feel a little hesitate to ask 🙂

Please keep up and submit your questions! Otherwise, this blog may go out of business (joking…may be).

