✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 03.19.17


Good evening, this is Brahman.

Are you guys all planning to attend the “Arigato-Festival (aka Thanksgiving Festival)” at Shamballa School on the 26th? It is like a fun Spring cultural festival.

SH leader has been announcing several times. So, please check it out:

感謝祭『Arigato-Festival』開催のご案内 (in Japanese only)

The above link shows details of the festival including the timeline, event information, participation survey, etc.

I will be really happy to see you all there even those of you who have not attended the school.

Here is another project currently going on : Meeting your advisor in real. Have you met your advisor yet? We have been receiving the report one after another. In any case, you can totally notice him/her (in Japan especially) since an impressive foreigner comes close to you. Although there are some cases your advisors look different in real from who you see in Shamballa, I believe you will be convinced with it. Please look around you carefully.

As for the theme of this week, we accept questions regarding “Desires/Egos.” It can be little dark-ish subject which having desire/greed/ambition is a bad thing or not. Please rack your brains to come up with the questions 🙂

Please stay with us for this week as well.

