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For this week 12.11.16


Good evening, this is Arom. Guys!! We finally entered this week! I mean the practice run for the “song project.”

December 17th, 2016 (Saturday) 20:00 (JST), 11:00 (GMT)

Everyone, please spread the word out. Please post the announcement, pv, whatever you can think of on SNS like Facebook to gather as many people to sing together as possible. Let’s break down this disturbing situation in the world. Something seems pretty strange in this year.

Also, there will be the special lecture by Mr. Brahman called “To identify your talent” at Slack (https://sschool-tour.slack.com/messages/class_do2_121816/details/). We will have a tea party afterwards so that you should check out the later announcement in this week regarding the lecture.

At last, here is the access numbers:


Session #


User #


Pageview # (wow! it truly exceeds 100,000!!)


Page(s) per Session


Average session time


Direct return rate


New session rate


This is the data from past 30 days. It is quite surprising that the access numbers from Russia became No.1 exceeding Canada where was previously top among the foreign countries. Honestly, we easily understood Canada was No.1 since we know a few concrete blog readers (Ameba pigg friends) from there; however we have no idea how Russia could increase the numbers. They exceeded the US ages ago, but then, how come??

So, that will be really interesting to keep our eyes on.

When we talked about the sun’s abnormal condition, we recommended you guys to have a week (1) worth foodstuffs in stock. But luckily there was no critical emergency like a riot, and you guys did not seem to pay that much attention to it. That was good. This has been the year that such occasions happened like “firm” things suddenly ended or some things started running unexpectedly. After all, we would still like to believe this has been a great year.

As for the panelist of this week, we have asked our medical stuff to do the task. Here is the theme: mental illness. Please submit your questions with stretching your ides (thoughts & imaginations) as much as possible.

I believe you guys have already been really busy towards end of the year, we will also have many events including a dinner party on the 24th (after the song project). Hopefully you will join us with you having a “room” in your mind.

Please stay together for this week as well.


