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Invitation to the singing Event on August 21st.


Hello folks! Thank you for cooperating with us on the singing project the other day.

According to the information from Shamballa, there is a possibility that there will be a major transformation occurring on Earth in September, 2016.

Therefore, we think it is critically important that we do another singing project at that time.

We have to avoid dangers from pole shifts as a matter of course. On this occasion, we want to move to the dimensions of a brilliant future!

I wonder, if a large number of people, not only Japanese but also foreigners, can cooperate for this event, what kind of results we can achieve?

For example, although we speak different languages, music is invariably a universal language.

People, irrespective of race or nation, can hum the same melody.

We believe it’s possible that through singing, our message will be conveyed to GAIA and we can achieve the best results regarding climate variability.


Currently, scientists are predicting that 70% of life will perish as a result of the pole shift.

It seems that there is a dimension of possibility here; extraterrestrial life forms are thinking that if most humans go extinct, they will be able to bring about evolution on Earth as an excellent planet on this occasion.

However, planet Earth is aware of not wanting living things to perish.

Beth (this blog’s manager) is living a double life, in Shambala and the real world, and she has received the message that Earth desires for every member of the human race live in coexistence and prosperity.

GAIA give us the goal of abolishing war and building a mature society on Earth.

Raising the frequency of the Earth as a whole through co-existence and prosperity of the human race itself is the best method of avoiding the risk of destruction to the planet and maintaing a safe status.

The current state of the world is such that GAIA seems filled with disease, nevertheless, GAIA refuse to deal with this problem by ousting humans.

Even though there may be terrorists in any race.

This is not an easy route.
Please sing a song with us to show approval for and your acceptance of GAIA’s intention.

We have heard that a pole shift is a bit like turning over in one’s sleep.
No one can stop it, it’s possible to keep the damage to a minimum.

I think if humans can stop excluding other people, humans will not be excluded by the “greater being”.

I am sorry if this story has scared you.

After the crisis has passed, we would like to be able to say with a laugh, “Aha… in the end, nothing happened.”

However, it may be that we will be in the dimension of our best, most positive future at that time.

In order to make it this way, let us sing together.

We hope that as many people as possible will take part in this singing project.


“The singing operation of dimensions” will be held on August 21st (Sunday).

The two songs we will sing are “We are the World” and “Happy Birthday.”

These songs were selected for the following reasons;“We are the World”is a song about prosperous coexistence, and“Happy Birthday”is probably the song which the largest number of people in the world are able to sing.

However, I don’t think the Earth’s birth has ever been celebrated, so it was decided that we will take this opportunity to sing“Happy Birthday”to celebrate the Earth.

On another matter, we are continuing with our measures against solar flares this time as well. Please be mindful of this.

It is to expand your sphere of intention to have a “prosperous coexistence” not only with the Earth, but also the entire solar system.

You may be thinking,“What’s the point?”

By way of a reason, Arom, who came from Andromeda, spoke as follows on the existence of multiverse:

“It is not possible if we only conside that something on the scale of the Earth could have an an influence the sun. The reason is that there are inhabitants on the Sun as well. If you are not mindful of a prosperous coexistence on a cosmic scale, then it will remain a dream beyond dreams.”

Therefore, we hope that when you whisper messages to the Sun, you will continually remain aware of this matter.


【How to sing】

First, we will sing the song “We are the World”, after which we will sing “Happy Birthday” repeating this several times(about five times).

After you sing the songs, imagine you are holding the Earth like a small, precious ball, and whisper the following words, repeating them about three times .


Thank you very much for loving us.
We are so thankful to be born on Earth.
Let’s stay together.


You should imagine the earth beginning to glow and shine as you hug the earth and speak its stories.

Please adjust the time to whisper your message to the Earth to ten minutes after the starting time, as this will be effective.

For example, if the starting time is one o’clock (13:00), you will start at ten past one (13:10)

You can sing “Happy Birthday” as many times as you love to (approximately 2 min.)

You can keep singing (“Happy Birthday”) till 10 minutes after the starting time (of “We are the World”)

Next, imagine The sun, and repeating this with a whisper about three times with the following words.


Thank you for the blessing of light.
I am thankful for the sun.
Let’s stay together.


Let your imagination run freely and you may feel the Sun is likely to rejoice.

That is all. Thanks for your efforts.

★Was this complicated and difficult to understand? An outline of the procedure is as follows.

1. Sing “We are the world”
2. Sing “Happy Birthday” several times
3. At X:10, mutter the phrase to the earth
4. Mutter the phrase to the sun.

Do not worry about “having to make it perfect!”. Just do it in a way that makes you feel good and you are comfortable with.

The important thing is just to enjoy it!


★The times to sing are 12:00, 15:00, 22:00, Japan Standard Time.
In Greenwich Mean Time, they are 1:00, 6:00, and 13:00.

Please calculate the relevant time.
Using this site, you can research what time it is in the area you are living in your local time in relation to Japan Standard Time or Greenwich Mean Time.

You do not have to sing at all three time options, just choose the best time for you.

We are looking forward to when the day arrives!

Thank you for reading through.

Song Project Execution Team


August 21st (Sunday) 2016, 12pm(12:00), 3pm(15:00),10pm(22:00) JST -Japan Standard Time
3am(3:00), 6am(6:00), 1pm (13:00) GMT – Greenwich Mean Time

【What to sing?】
“We are the World” by Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie
“Happy Birthday”

【video clip】
“We are the World” by Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie

“Happy Birthday”


★What is the “Singing operation of dimensions?”

