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For this week 11.13.16


Good morning! This is JJ. I will announce the schedule for this week continuing from the last week.

I was going to blow HIS hairpiece off, but man, it was the indoor speech, lol. Well then, please check out the inaugural speech which will be held outside (in front of Congress building), lol!! 

Anyways, it seems that the US has decided how they would divide up. Dividing by conflict or coexisting & co-prosperity? These two (2) are both part of divisions but they suppose to flow totally opposite directions.

Then, they have decided “coexisting & co-prosperity.” Congratulations!!

From now on, the similar movement will happen in Russia as well. That monolith-like robust country has been run by one man with so many problems.  It seems that both Russia and the US try to solve the same problem. Interesting!

OK, we will have our priests in this week. This profession used to be a shining star, but it becomes an endangered species without noticing. But then, it will revive from now on. I will cheer them up. So, please submit questions to them.

Then, Mr. Arom will show up the next week. Please check him out as well 🙂

We have not decided who would be the panelist after that. There is no one we can ask for (lol).  Well, it will be announced next week.

At last….

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The numbers have been further increasing from the last week. The male participants have reached 13%. We super welcome them!! I totally look forward to seeing it.

Oh, I would love to show you guys the extra super moon tomorrow on the 14th… hopefully the weather will be good for it. Then, I expect you to see the “blue-sun” phenomenon. Please look forward to it.

You do not have to get panicked about it. You can be just a spectator to it since the Ascension has already done.

Some may say about UV etc., etc., but you don’t have to get bothered by them since only reptilians will be in trouble. If you really worry about it, you can prepare enough (one week worth) foodstuffs. Please calm down.

So, the fun week has begun! Please stay with us in this week as well.

Thanks a lot!

