✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 12.26.16


I am sorry to be late (for posting this entry).
Here is “for this week.”

The year 2016 will finally end less than a week.
How have you been in this year 2016?

Unpredictable news, unpredictable weather, unpredictable accidents… there have been a succession of “unpredictables” which amazed us how useless the prediction by experts was. In any case, we are so thankful to have this end of the year with you all together.

First of all, we have the year-end “song project” in this week.


Date : December 30th, 2016 (Friday)

Time (Japan Standard Time) :

12:00 (noon)


(Twice — this means smily = niko-niko in Japanese♬)

Song : 【Umi no Koe (Voice of the Sea)】

Starting time : 12:00 & 22:00

Thankful phrase to Earth : 12:04 & 22:04

Thank you very much for loving us.

We are so thankful to be born on Earth.

Let’s stay together (*´꒳`*)

At last, please imagine you are holding Earth like a small, precious ball and it is shinning brightly.

You can just murmur to yourself♬
You can even murmur in your mind.

If you have time to do this with us, let’s sing together one more time before the end of this year 2016.

Thank you very much for singing with us throughout the year ❀.(*´◡`*)❀.


Please join us.

Also, there is a questionnaire for the “dimensional-operation” course (in Japanese only) in order to build the lecture more fun and useful for all you guys especially in preparation for my lecture in January, 2017. Those of you who participated last lectures, please submit your answers & opinions.

As for the panelists this week since we do not have much time, we will have the former science group, B-team members (yaaaay!!! by the translator????). Well, they happen to have the 4 days-off this week, lol. If you like to ask some beginners’ questions, or those of you have never submit question before, please ask questions such as spiritual stuff, accessing Shamballa, etc.

But, “you know what I’m talking about?” type of questions which have no detailed explanation (we have seen those more often lately here) will be cut off.

Please present your situation at first which most readers can understand, and then ask questions. This is the blog for all of us readers and panelists who enjoy participating. Please understand our aim for the blog.

At last, here is the access numbers:

Session #


User #


Pageview #


Page(s) per Session


Average session time


Direct return rate


New session rate


It has been decreased dramatically, lol.. that’s what this supposes to be, lol, lol.

One unexpected thing is that China all the sudden entered here. You might have thought it was more weird Not to have them at all before, yes? That country normally has the filter so that we had never expected to see them. Well, it might be a passing fancy, lol.

Let’s stay together for this week.


