✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 02.12.17


Good evening, this is John.

I am due to resign as a teacher of Shamballa School at the end of March. My application for the resignation has been accepted since I would like to focus on my main job as a lawyer.

I have only a bit more time to stay with you. Let’s share the fun school days together!

So, I had a great time skating at the stabilization tour 2 yesterday. Yep, I was there too. I have never done skating before in Shamballa so that I was totally absorbed in it, then I’ve got sore muscles today, lol. It is so much fun! We, people in Shamballa have really been intoxicated by the exciting feelings since you folks came here. Please keep us stimulating from now on.

In this week, a joint maneuvers with the United Galaxies and militaries of the planets in the Solar System will begin. You may experience various unusual phenomena in this week and the next week since the preparation for some heavy equipments is happening as well as they drive the machines in every planet as much as possible in order to spread the shield for the entire Solar System. It may be especially interesting to check out the phenomenon which is the nighttime moon changes the color. Please see and enjoy the nighttime moon. You should be able to see at least once or twice since the maneuvers will end on the 28th. Please enjoy the nighttime event in the sky.

As for the theme of this week, “Earth” will be the one based on the students’ ideas. Please consider less submission regarding the history of Earth since Beth is not good at it, but we are looking forward to seeing your questions since you should be able to hear various inside stories from us.

All right, please stay with us for this week as well.

