✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 12.18.16


Good evening, this is Arom – an ordinary American citizen.

You have done a great job for the practice run (song project) last night.
Do you remember how we have decided those dates?

Those are the days which a dimensional movement could easily happen, and the numbers would contain the possibility of a large earthquake based on tzolk’in (Maya calendar)

November 29th
December 17th
December 25th (Kin 111 – same as Great Kantō earthquake in 1923)
December 30th (Kin 116 – same as Kumamoto earthquakes in 2016)

As you might already know, there was a magnitude-8 undersea earthquake in Papua New Guinea right before you guys started singing on December 17th.

Although a huge Tsunami might have attacked there in a different dimension, we could avoid disasters and the tsunami red alert was soon canceled since the actual tsunami occurred after the song project (in this dimension).

I will explain this more in detail.

Since the 70% of the past earthquake dates are prime numbers, we had asked to investigate those dates against Maya calendar and found out the matches to the dates for the song project which would be normally easy to move dimensions.  That is why we really asked you to spread the word out more than usual.

We sincerely thank to those of you who have been promoting the song project really hard! It is amazing that your continuous efforts have been rewarded (applause‼️).

The 24th is not a prime number, but there is a precedent in Maya calendar.
Please promote the song project as much as you can.

Also the 24th will be The Day (this Saturday). I won’t say anything anymore. Please do your best on the day.

There will be a special class at 10pm tonight (18th).
Please have fun for those of you who have applied to the class.


So, we will actually have all-star panelists in this week to answer whatever questions you have! You can name whoever your favorite panelist to answer your questions except!! the commanding general AZ. Otherwise, we can bring whoever you name. Please let us know who you would like to have as “your” panelist. We hope to do a coexistence and co-prosperity in knowledge over different fields & specialty. I hope you will enjoy this.

At last, here is the access numbers:

Session #

User #


Pageview #


Page(s) per Session


Average session time


Direct return rate


New session rate


We seem to hit the limit of increasing numbers. The blog should be a fun place, so we would like to have some fun projects. If you have any ideas, please let us know!!

This blog exists for the only reason. Actually Beth’s seminar & physical therapy are the same. We, Beth and all of us in Shamballa have the solid determination and are super confident to overcome any obstacles we ever face to.

We will introduce them little by little in this blog. We hope you will have fun. That is our No.1 hope for you.

Let’s stay together for this week!


