✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

For this week 07.16.17


Good morning, this is Arom.

China has begun taking suspicious actions. They have been doing the usual tactics which distract the public by news and incidents outside the country. In this time, they try to mystify other countries by provoking since they were not able to conceal the declining economy and they do not want to make a big deal about the death of Liu Xiaobo who was a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. That is their old & long time strategy so that you had better observe the situations calmly with the thought like this, “Pooh! They must’ve been pretty much driven into a corner ( *´艸`)”

Anyways, thank you very much for participating the Enjoy Life Seminar Basic last night. Those of you could not join us last night, please check it out carefully some time later since you are able to enter Slack anytime you want. Were you sleepy during the session? It cannot be helped since it is a classroom lecture. There will be some experiments next time. If you are sleepy, please go ahead and sleep! (=_=)zzzz・・

Here is a tip for late comers:

I strongly recommend you guys to read everything from the beginning since you will see some miracles like what you have seen on the come*come course.

ELB-1 : Psychics, part 1 (← Please click to read the first session.)

Also, it was a pretty good song project last night! Even I could feel the twisting dimension. Just a little bit more! There should something happen!! (; ・`д・´) …lol.

There suppose to have a dimension with earthquake passing by on 17, 18 and 19th of this week. You will be able to realize “oh, we could avoid the earthquake” by hearing the news such as a sudden stop of train, subsidence of a street and so on.

We are planning to let you know things like this on the blog which is like a hurricane forecast. You all will know the dimensions of hurricane=earthquake are getting close by the forecast so that you should be able to deal with it anytime when the forecast becomes a common knowledge. We will start announcing this with a relaxed manner. Thanks.

As for the subject of this week…

  1. Questions regarding ELB
  2. Asking questions to Aliens!! We can ask them who we find at the airport in Shamballa. “Why did you come to Earth?” sorry for the rip-off.

You can submit questions for Venusians, Martians and Jupiterians by the first-half of this week (by Wednesday). We can check them out at the exit of domestic flight (in Shamballa).

The second-half, we can ask Aliens outside of the Solar System which are from Pleiades, Sirius, Essassani and so on. That refers to the exit of international flight at Shamballa airport.

We hope you will enjoy how they look at you from outside of the Earth.

Let’s give the delusions full throttle!

Please stay with us for this week as well.

