✨シャンバラ への質問は こちら

【ELBN-1:Accessing former life】Enjoy Life Basic NEXT☆


Hello, my dear blog readers & Shamballa staff members!
This is SH.

Thank you very much for your continuous interest upon the seminar series from Shamballa.

Now, we present this new series “Enjoy Life Basic NEXT” — a continuation of the popular seminar “Enjoy Life Basic” now available all entire 8-sessions on this blog! 

ELB-1:Psychics, part 1 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=29098)
ELB-2:Psychics, part 2 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=30672)

ELB-3 : Sense energy, part 1 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=32122)
ELB-4: Sense energy, part 2 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=32939)

ELB-5 : Spiritual energy, part 1 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=34068)
ELB-6 : Spiritual energy, part 2 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=35102)

ELB-7 : Reincarnation/Dimensional operation, part 1 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=36367)
ELB-8 : Reincarnation/Dimensional operation, part 2 (https://gaia-shamballa.xyz/blog/?p=36986)

I recommend you to read through all 8 sessions of ELB first if you especially have not done yet since ELBN is supposed to be a more practical session with many experiments based on the knowledge of ELB.

This new ELBN is equivalent to “Enjoy Life Second and Third Seminar” which are currently held in Tokyo, Japan.

You will see and feel the things you’ve never imagined being able to do with your own interpretation. But the interpretation will also become a “shared information”… I hope you will enjoy such a magical time.

Today, I present to you the first session: “Accessing former life” — which was held on May 13th, 2018.


In this blog entry, I post an edited version of the actual Slack session. Hopefully not just for those of you could not attend the session, but also for the people who came to the session will read the whole thing again to understand deeply and gain your knowledge.

If you wish to ask any questions after reading the blog, please enter & submit them through the form “質問★Questions & Inquiries” (please type “ELBN” on the subject field ).

All right! without further notice, let’s begin the blog edition of “ELBN-1 : Accessing former life”!!


ELBN-1:Accessing former life Sunday, May 13th, 2018 22:00〜24:00 (JST)
Lecturer: Mr. Seán MacBride
Room: class_elbn01_051318 (in sschool-class.slack.com)

Facilitator : Mr. Azaf (United Galaxies)
Introduction : AL (K)
Typing (channeling):Beth
Technical Support:AL(K)
Slack Support : JU
PR, Editor:SH

☆☆☆ 75 total participants ☆☆☆


About Mr. Seán MacBride

Mr. MacBride has been assigned to be the general director of this “New Beth’s Blog” for the year 2018. As a part of the blog involvement, he is thrilled to be the lecturer for the entire 4-sessions of Enjoy Life Basic NEXT.

He belongs to the department of heavy machinery in Shamballa Military Forces serving as the captain (lieutenant) as well as a member of the general headquarters. He has been contributing a lot to save human lives and cover the affected areas in the recent massive snow disaster in a mountain region of Shamballa (By the way, Shamballa Military Forces NEVER serve for any battle/war, but they are formed for saving people and environments from disasters).

29 years old, 182cm (6ft) tall, with his brown-ish blonde hair and hazel eyes, Mr. MacBride has the Irish features on his face. According to the previous Shamballa wiki special session (available in Japanese only), he is single (straight) and does not have girlfriend yet 🙂

As a panelist of the blog, his polite yet sharp view of answers have been favored by many questioners as well as the blog readers. We should expect see more and different sides of him in this seminar series.




I – Prologue:Enjoy Life Basic NEXT
II – Identifying former life 
III – Preparing to access former life 
IV – Previous life (guided experiment)
V – The former life influencing present life (guided experiment) 
VI – Q&A
VII – Epilogue : Accessing former life


AL:All right everyone, now, let’s welcome our lecturer to the stage!
Please give him a big hand (by typing applause expression and/or the Emoji👏)!
Mr. Sean, welcome to ELBN!! 888888888888888 (8 = clap in Japanese expression)

Azaf : Well, it’s not Sean quite yet, lol, lol.

[Mr. Azaf, the facilitator of this session appeared on the stage♪]

SH:Thunderous applause!!

I – Prologue:Enjoy Life Basic NEXT

Azaf : Hello, my name is Azaf. I am the facilitator of this Enjoy Life Basic NEXT seminar starting tonight. The lecturer of this seminar is Mr. Sean from Shamballa.

ELBN will be presented with the 4 sessions which the first half (2 sessions) refers to Enjoy Life Second Seminar by Beth in Tokyo and the second half (2 sessions) is supposed to cover the subjects from Enjoy Life Third Seminar.

ELBN-1 : Accessing former life
ELBN-2 : Extracting data from the person who is not present and Conversation with guardian spirits
ELBN-3 : Sticking a magical barrier and Oracle by numbers
ELBN-4 : Forming magic circle and Using magical items

That is all 4 sessions. Easy, isn’t it?
Please stay with us even though these are such basic stuff.

You may have a hard time since the session is performed by Slack messages (channelling by Beth) which may not give you enough time to understand the points quickly. We try to explain as concise as possible. On the other hand, it is great to have the session on Slack which you all can come back to the channel for reviewing. Please do read the session as many times you wish to understand deeply and make a full use of the method. I am so psyched to have this seminar available on Slack since I wish it spread out more for a long time.

Anyways, let’s welcome Mr. Sean for real, lol! Please give him a big hand, everyone!!

[Again there was thunderous applause 👏🏻👏🏻👏👏 as he appeared… well it’s omitted (by the editor), lol]

Sean : (appeared on the stage)
Thank you.

Good evening. Thank you very much for choosing me as the lecturer of such a privileged seminar. My name is Seán MacBride, and I am going to cover all 4 sessions of Enjoy Life Basic NEXT starting this evening. By the way, I am Sean, not John (Smith), so please do not tease me (laughing).

Let’s begin the session since my introduction has already been posted on the blog.

Today, we do the experiment “accessing former life of a person”.
The reason why we choose this subject for the first session is because no one can prove it even you see the former life, lol.
I mean you all should be able to take it easy because of it.

Oh, in addition to this, I inform you now that the most part of this seminar will involve some sort of experiments including we all enter the (spiritual) zone as a group which is the first time in the human history.

Children at primary school in Shamballa enter and play in this zone like a school trip. It is not a scary place as some of you might have imagined of. Your advisers are going to guide you via a few training sessions prior to this evening, so that you should be relaxed and do follow their directions.

Now, I would like to talk a bit about “former life” which has been fully covered at ELB-7 : reincarnation.

[note by editor : 【ELB-7:Reincarnation/Dimensional operation, part 1】Enjoy Life Basic☆]

II – Identifying former life

In Shamballa, we consider reincarnation as a physical phenomenon. This means that your soul exists even after your physical death so that you are supposed to be born again some time later in the physical world.

Soul is immortal. A record of the immortal soul which has put on a physical body for several decades is eternally preserved. Such records are called memories of former life which people are occasionally frightened as karma (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma); however, they are mostly not related to you (in the present life) which they are no match for you to be afraid of. We are aiming to initiate you into the method of accessing such a former life of human in this session.

First of all, let’s check out how you are actually influenced by your former life.

Everyone, please recall your boyfriend/girlfriend who you really loved, or current wife/husband. If you are actually with him/her now, please take a look at him/her. The (body) figure, personality and background… that is who you are in your former life. “Oh, Noooooo!!!” I am hearing voices like this, lol.

Especially the figure and personality are pretty close to your previous life. Soul has the nature which the characteristics get turned over as being born again. If you are a nervous person now, you would be a negligent person in your previous life. If you have a rounder shape now, you would be pretty thin in your previous life. This happens because a pair of the parts in a gene is supposed to be influenced by the previous life so that your subconsciousness tends to choose the lover according to the genetic influences.

Therefore, you especially choose your spouse as an opposite person. However, if you think of him/her as you in your previous life, you may forgive some problematic issues with him/her, may be (laughing)?

Then, those of you who have some sort of traumas such as anthropophobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, panic disorder and even an anxiety with no matter how much money you have are related to the situation at the moment of death in the previous life. Such traumas are caused by drawing the memories such as being murdered face to face, buried by a landslide, death in a tremendous fear by a torture and so on.

If such a trauma suddenly happens to you at one point, the time (your age) is the age of death in your 2 before the present life, and if the trauma becomes suddenly cured, the time is the age of death in your previous life.

[note by editor :
* The age trauma/phobia suddenly appears = the age of death in 2 before the present life
* The age such issues suddenly vanish = the age of death in the previous life]

Identifying your former life really means that you understand a part of your genes so that it is extremely important to you all.

Of course you probably think there is no way to confirm the former life you access to see is truth in the present Earth. However it should no longer be other people’s affairs since the most children who will be born and grow up (in the physical world) from now on remember the former life.

Because you all can try it out easily without any pressure since there is no way to verify it, we have decided to do this experiment at first.

This subject is usually talked on the 2nd day of Enjoy Life Second Seminar. The 1st day is supposed to be the conversation with guardian spirits which we will cover the next session. So, I hope you all will participate this session with no pressure and irresponsible mind which you do not worry/care at all whether or not what you see is the truth.

All right, let’s begin.
Please play the music.

Here is the collection of music with a music-box style.
If possible, please try the experiment while this music is on.

Let’s all be relaxed.


[note by editor : It’s absolutely fine to leave the music on during the entire experiment. You can stop it too if the sound of harp starts hitting your head, but I recommend the songs played by a piano appearing later in this collection♫]

Sean : It is good to be played in a soft volume.
By the way, both Shamballa and the United Galaxies really love the “Studio Ghibli” animations!
(That is why) We have especially requested to use the music for this session (´ω`*)

We begin with the following preparation.

III – Preparing to access former life

Sean : Please write down the name & birthdate of the person you have prepared prior to the session by your physical body.
It should be better to write the name a little bigger.

[note by editor : Name & birthdate of the person you would like to access to see the former life. It can be yours.]

I give you 1 minute.
If you have some issues with your mental health which I have explained above, you may want to write your own name & birthdate to see yours. It may be a good idea to find out any changes after the session.

[1 minute later]

Are you all ready?
Then, please calm down while holding the paper in your left hand.

Now, we let the lights (of the auditorium at Shamballa School) turn down. You can keep your room light as is in the physical world.
If the BGM bothers you, it is fine to stop it.
Please, relax.

Azaf : First of all, you all have prepared name and birthdate of the person you would like to see the former life. It is fine to be yours as well. Advisers, please do support them.

Are you all ready, advisers?

Now, your advisers are going to guide you in this experiment. They have already arranged the meeting prior to this session, so you all should stay with them as your first priority. Please hold the hand of your adviser. Advisers, if your girls/boys are really small, please take them close to you as almost holding under your arm.

Hold the hands and never let go.
All right, let’s begin.

First, please read out the name and birthdate on the sheet of paper you have written with your physical body.

Please recall the person after reading it. If it is you, please look at you as a different, another person.

I am going to guide you now.

How tall is the person?
What kind of hairstyle? clothing? How is a look on the face?
It is the same way to see even if the person is you.
Yes, how is the facial expression?

Now, let’s imagine the person is sitting on a chair.
If you name it yours, please think of another you now.

Then, you and your adviser get behind the person.
You are supposed to stand behind the person (or another you) sitting on the chair.

You can just imagine the person’s back view.

All right then, you are going to enter the person.
Some people do it from the hole behind the left ear which many psychic mediums actually do the same.
The others do imagine entering the person from the back.

Let’s enter the inside (of the person) with your adviser hand in hand.

Now, please turn off the lights at the auditorium completely. It is going to be dimly.
If you feel scared by the darkness, please cling to your adviser’s arm.
Advisers, please hug them if they seem to be scared.

Next, we all enter the zone together with the room.
The chairs and stage around you are all vanished instantly.


Now, we are all in the zone.
It is completely dark, isn’t it?
This space is called “zone.”

If you look down, you should be able to see many grains of light far down below you.
Each grain of light is connected with the line of light.
The line is a trace of each soul.
The grain is each life.

So, let’s go to the life of the person you have prepared.
Your adviser will take you there.

I will give you another minute.
Advisers, please talk to your girls/boys.

You are all doing great. If you cannot enter there, please relax and imagine as you are in the darkness. You are with your adviser so, please hold the hand.

This is the world of zone where goes beyond time. You keep holding your adviser’s hand.
Please do not let it go.

Each of your adviser is guiding you to the line of the person who you have prepared the name & birthdate for this session.
You are moving slowly. Please do not hurry, and just let your adviser lead you.

Your adviser is supposed to let you know when you come to the starting line.
A few people are not quite ready yet. Please wait just for a second….
One more person…

Sean : All right then, let’s begin.

IV – Previous life (guided experiment)

Sean : First of all, let’s check out the previous life (1 before the present life).
Please look down. Would you be able to see a lighting orb underneath? That is the soul of the person in the present life.
Next, you should be able to see a few more orbs not far distance from you which are connected on the line of light like an electric wire.

The lighting orbs have different sizes which the small ones are supposed to be short life, while the big ones are either full life or the life being tossed around in a history.

Now, let’s get closer to the lighting orb one ahead of you (= the previous life).

Let’s go down little by little.
You are getting close to it.

Then, you are noticing the orb is actually bigger than you have expected.
Some of you may notice the orb is rotating like a tornado as you get closer to it.
You can also enjoy the majestic appearance with the bonging sound.

The size is much bigger than you which can actually be various such as 3m (10ft), 5m (16ft) and so on.

Now, you are going to enter the big orb.
It is just fine.
Please stay with your adviser hand in hand.

Now, jump into the orb!!!!

All of a sudden, you are in the white light, but please keep moving forward with your adviser.
It is very quiet in the space of light.
Then, the world suddenly changes as soon as you enter even deeper into the light (smiling).

Suddenly, you start seeing a scene.
That is the previous life of the person.

It can be darker time of a day for some of you such as evening, night, late night may be?
It can be lighter time of a day such as morning, noon, and until afternoon.

Let’s look around then.
Where are you now?
Inside of a house? or outside?

It is totally fine with your delusion.
No one can judge you anyways, lol.

Are you in a town? mountain? castle? or just in a house?
Is there beach near you?
Or actually are you in the ocean? woods? garden or field? may be in a grassy plain?
If you are in a town, are you near a busy, crowded market?
Or on a deserted street?

Now, you are supposed to see the person (who you are seeing the former life) standing near you if you are with your adviser hand in hand.
Some of you may see the images your advisers are actually seeing which are sent by them.

Those of you who are seeing your own previous life, your images are only seen from your own eyes.
Other than them probably have the vision from above + behind the person which is the same position as guardian spirits.
However, some of you actually see the person right in front of you.

Those of you who are seeing yourself, please take a look at your own hands first since the most of you (in your previous life) lived in the time there was no mirror available.

All right, others should see the person as well. Is the person male? or female?
What kind of clothes does he/she wear?
How old is he/she there?
Does he/she have any family?
What does he/she do for living?

It is fine to write the memo with your physical body.
Please do write as much as you want.

For some people, there is the age written on the right side corner of the active image such as 1520’s, 1200’s and so on. It can be as exact as the year like 1634.

For some people, there is the name of place (country) written on the left side corner of the active image. At least, name of the area in the current Earth should be written.

Once you see the previous life, let’s go to the former life which relates to the present life next.
If your adviser has decided to stay where you are, please stay there.

V – The former life influencing present life (guided experiment)

Sean : Let’s go back once to the space of light.
Your adviser is taking you out there.
Then, you are getting out of the light orb.

You are now in the space of darkness (zone).

Now, you are on the line of light.
Please ask your adviser to take you to the former life (of the person) which influences the present life.

You start moving slowly along with the lighting wire.
Let’s count how many orbs (of light) you are passing by.
If you feel moving fast, the former life you are accessing should be a pretty old data.
Some of you may reach to the ancient Egypt.

Please let us know advisers, when you stop above one of the orbs.

You are currently right above the person’s former life which is influencing the present life the most.
Now, let’s go down slowly.

You are entering into the orb.
It is exactly same as the previous experiment.
You may feel it as you are in water.
Please do not mind, do not mind (laughing)…

All right, you just entered the white space.
This is the inside of subconsciousness by the view of soul.
It is interesting that the reality is the center, isn’t it?

You are now in the scene suddenly appeared in front of you!
Please look closely.
Oh, some of you are coming in a little behind.
We are waiting for you.

Darker time, evening, night, or midnight?
It can be lighter time of a day such as morning, noon, and until afternoon.

Please look around.
If you are in a nighttime, please look up the sky.
You are able to see the beautiful night sky.

Sean : No! do not sleep, LOL
If you are sleepy, please jump up a few times (with your physical body).
Sean : (laughing hard)
Thank you for waking up.

Now, let’s look around.

Where are you?
Are you in a town? mountain? castle? or just in a house?
Is there beach near you?
Or actually are you in the ocean? woods? garden or field? may be in a grassy plain?
If you are in a town, are you near a busy, crowded market?
Or on a deserted street?

(I just copied & pasted from the previous experiment, lol)

Please take a look at the person in front of you now.

Is the person male or female?
What kind of clothes does he/she wear?
How old is he/she there?
Does he/she have any family?
What does he/she do for living?

Please ask him/her at least this much.
Some of you may see the age of the place written on the corner of the image.
Some of you can figure out where you are now by the map appearing on the other side of corner (of the image).
If you cannot see either of them, please be really cautious what you see, hear and feel since the things like these have individual variations.

Please ask (the person) if there is any theme/assignment for the current life since this former life is supposed to be related.
It should be answered by the soul (in this former life).
Some of them talk to you while your advisers are pricking up their ears to make sure not to fail to catch the story.

Especially if you have any issues with your mental health, please do not hesitate to ask him/her why the issue has been occurred in the present life.
In fact, there is a healing effect when you access & meet yourself in the former life.

Oh, some of our participants are saying “You did nothing wrong.”
Please tell him/her “After the hard life, you are currently re-born in the peaceful time and the place called Japan.”

Those of you who are accessing yourself in the former life can also ask you there why such issues have been occurred in the present life.
Please ask for advice in order to deal with them as well.
The soul will answer your questions.
Your adviser can interpret the message as well as you are probably able to understand it for some reason.

I will give about 3 minutes (for you to access the former life).
It can be a conversation, or can be a series of vision until the pearson’s death.
Your advisers have been informed to support you by their discretions.

It will be great to find out who the person relates to you in the present life is there (in the former life).

[3 minutes later]

All right, it’s about time to leave there.
So, please express your thanks and farewell.

Now, are you all ready?

OK, let’s go back. You should not take any shortcut. Instead, let’s go back the way we came in.

First of all, please enter the light.
Next, you are supposed to get out of the light orb… you see the darkness, don’t you?
Then, your adviser takes you back to the starting line.

Finally, everyone should be gathered.
Once everyone gets all together, we will be out of the zone.

Please wait for a moment.
Are you all here together?
Staff members (in Shamballa) are checking in you now.

Oh, advisers seem to be wheezing, lol.

2 more people.

OK! Let’s go back to the auditorium now. Please cling to your advisers.
You will be back to sit on the chair you were at the beginning of the experiment instantly.


Welcome back, everyone (laughing)!
The room lights are getting brighter.
Oh no, please do not fall a sleep!(;´・ω・)

Sean : Oh, you are awake, lol.

Let’s take a deep breath with your physical body.
Please stretch your arms and back.
That is all for the method of accessing former life safely.

Azaf : Anyone can access former life like this.

We all entered the zone together in this time, but you actually start with the hole behind the person’s left ear when you ask your adviser to access it.
You enter the zone as you are sneaking into a small hole like “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice%27s_Adventures_in_Wonderland)
If this area gets damaged by a head injury, the person becomes the higher brain dysfunction which the sense of timeline such as present and past gets mixed up. This means that you even have the influence in the physical world.

Sean : By the way, if any of you could not understand the remedy even you tried to ask the soul, your advisers who have listened for you would answer it. So, please submit your questions to the blog with “ELBN” on the title.

Now, let’s start Q&A.
LU-san, please let us know your question.

VI – Q&A

LU : What does it make us see the person in a former life from a different angle? You have mentioned that the person could be seen in front of me, back, etc., and I actually saw the person who was facing right side of the body to me at the other bank of a lake.
Saen : That is a good question.
Now, I would like to ask you a question.
What would you be your answer if you were asked where yesterday’s you were positioned? In my case, I would answer that the guy (= myself of yesterday) is behind me.
LU : I would say at a supermarket or my house which should depend on the time of a day.
Sean : Oh, no, I don’t mean that. My question actually is where yesterday’s you are NOW.
LU : I see… well, it seems to be diagonally behind me.
Sean : All right. The person facing right side of the body to you is the same thing which suggests the position of the soul.
This means that the answer can be various based on the position of the soul just like (the position of) yesterday’s yourself.
LU : Do you mean by the soul position of both myself and the person? or the soul position of the person’s former life seeing from his/her present life?
Sean : Did you see your own former life?
LU : No, I’ve seen someone else’s.
Sean : Your friend?
LU : Yes.
Sean : Well then, if you are standing in a prairie, where is your friend standing at?
LU : The other side of the lake which lies between us.
Sean : ??
You are currently standing in a prairie.
Where is your friend standing right now?
LU : In front of me, but it has a distance between us. My friend was a Buddhist monk and seemed unapproachable to me.
Sean : Such position does affect how you see the person in a former life.
That is why you see your former life from the inside (of your body), and you would be able to see the person pretty close by you if he/she was your family member.
LU : Oh, I see.
Sean : Would you understand?
LU : It is the position of myself and the other person, isn’t it? I now understand. Thank you very much.
Sean : You are absolutely right. Thank you, too.

All right, who is the next?
FR : The view of the person’s previous life seemed to be my own view. Why did it happen? Did I get too close to the person?
Sean : Well, you are supposed to have such a view if you release your hand from your adviser’s.
FR : Wha…
Sean : Were you holding your adviser’s hand?
FR : I guess so…
Sean : If you even a slightly detached your hand, the image would be processed as the vision from your eyes.
This is a structural issue so that I will talk about it some other time.
FR : I see.
Sean : At the seminar in Tokyo, everyone does see the image from the own eyes since there is no adviser involved.
That is totally fine. You are not abnormal, lol.
FR : I’m sorry, Mr. adviser.
Sean : Thank you.
FR : Thank you very much.

Sean : So, the last questioner, please.
CO : I’ve seen the era as numbers on the corner of image.
As for countries and places such as France, Normandy, why do I come up in my brain or feel such information?
There should be so many similar places, but it is very interesting to be concluded such a particular place somehow.
Sean : You are full of sensitivity.
CO : Wow.
Sean : Of course there are people who get the name of the particular place.
You get the information by sound if your soul is a spirit of sound, (you get the information) by image if your soul is a spirit of vision, (you get the information) by name of place if your soul is a spirit of word. Everyone has its own way to receive such information.
At the experiment, advisers were advised to guide you all by images for the time being.
Please go there someday.
CO : I see. I saw the image at first, and then I felt the name of place.
Sean : I think it must be an amazing encounter waiting for you there.
CO : Wow, I actually saw the former life of my family member.
Sean : I see. Then please go there with him/her.
CO : I should tell him/her, yes?
Sean : That should be good.
Yes, I will do it.
Sean : Thank you for your question.
CO : Thank you very much.

SLY : Sir! Is it OK to ask you an extra question?
Sean : Oh, the sleeping young lady, yes.
You can do it in return for waking everyone up.
SLY : Thank you very much.
I suddenly got sleepy when I accessed a former life which was really far past. Why did it happen?
Sean : Whose former life did you see?
Sly : Mine.
Sean : You probably did not want to see it.
It might be one of the sealed images.
SLY : But I actually did see it.
Sean : …with fighting against the sleepiness, lol
Then, please submit your question on the blog later.
I need you to explain the situation: Whose former life did you see? Why did you try to see it?
I will explain it to you after your adviser reports to me.
Is it fine with you?
SLY : Yes, thank you very much for answering my diving question!
I will submit it later.

VII – Epilogue : Accessing former life

Sean : We had the experiment entering the zone with a group of people today.
If you become good at it, I believe you will be able to have more speedy process of the conversation with your guardian spirits at the next session.

When you identified any troubles in your former life, you would probably think there should be the assignments (given to the present life) called Karma. However, that is not true at all. If that ever happened, you would have too much debt left after 20 plus reincarnations which all your life could be nothing but a torture.

Life should be joyful. If you do not feel it, you must have been missing/losing so many different possibilities. You all have the potential. You should be able to do anything you want no matter how old you are and how difficult your situation is.

This “Enjoy Life Basic NEXT” is here to support you such potentials even more.

Don’t be afraid, everyone. We will give you as much advise as we can possibly do in order for you to push forward with your life mission. That is our duty as a precursor. However, we do not do it with a volunteer mentality. We do it because that is how we have learned from our precursors with free of charge.

If you think this is fun after you have learned the method, please introduce it to the people around you so that the subjects we present in this seminar will become more ordinary, common things (among people in the physical world).
That is called the propagation.
Then, we really wish you all live as much fun life as possible.

I will introduce the method which you can extract data from the person who is not present, and I will also initiate you all into a conversation with guardian spirits at the next session.
Please look forward to it.

Mr. Azaf has been working with us including the meeting last night prior to this session. Thank you. I really appreciate the support from those of you have been working behind the scene.

Thank you all very much for staying with us again for a long time tonight.

SLY : Thank you very much😊
SH:Thank you very much👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
TU:Thank you very much.
LG:Thank you very much!🌠
CL:Thank you very much.
KB:Thank you very much!!
FR:Thank you very much
LT:Thank you very much!
MK:Thank you very much〜〜〜!
RK:Thank you very much\(^o^)/
CT:Thank you very much, Mr. Sean😃
JU:Mr. Sean! Thank you very much~😊💖
AT:Thank you very much!!
JD:Thank you very much!
TN:Thank you very much!
MG:Thank you very much🍵🍃✨
AL:Mr. Sean, Mr. Azaf, thank you very much for the great session!
Everyone, please give them a big hand!!👏

[The big applause continued by those participants who had shared the amazing time together with excitement.]


Thank you very much for taking your precious time to read this entire session of ELBN-1.

I hope you all did enjoy reading and experiencing the essence of “zone” and scenes from a former life.

It is absolutely fine if you would not believe any of the things presented above. I did not believe it either at first (laughing), and I started getting strange coincidences after I tried to see a former life of my friend(s). It was not just one person. Am I still seeing delusions, or….?

I hope you will find out your stories by your own sense. This can be an interesting method for you to check out.

By the way, some of the participants of this session have been experiencing after-effects such as curing/vanishing old scars and traumas, appearing some marks on the skin, and so on.


If you have any questions from the session, please submit them from the form “質問★Questions & Inquiries” (please type “ELBN” on the subject field).

Please feel free to let us know your opinions via the form above and/or posting your comments (English language is totally welcome).

Thanks again and hopefully see you again at the next session (ELBN-2:Extracting data from the person who is not present and Conversation with guardian spirits)!!



  1. うかぴよ より:


    • Shire より:



